Constitution Of Azerbaijan

The constitution of azerbaijan azerbaijani.

Constitution of azerbaijan. Azərbaycan konstitusiyası was adopted on 12 november 1995 by popular referendum. This website is managed by press service of the president of the republic of azerbaijan and work and communication with ngos department of the administration of the president of the republic of azerbaijan. 4 according to provisions of the present constitution legislative executive and judicial power interact and are independent within the limits of their authority.

The constitution of the republic of azerbaijan. Continuing the centuries long statehood traditions taking as a basis the principles expressed in the constitution act on the state independence of the republic of azerbaijan desiring to provide prosperity and welfare of the whole society and each individual wishing to establish freedom and security understanding the responsibility before the past present and future generations using the. The constitution of the republic of azerbaijan the people of azerbaijan continuing their centuries long statehood traditions guided by the principles laid down in the consti tutional act on the state independence of the republic of azerbaijan desiring to ensure welfare of the whole society and every.

Banning of power usurpation. No part of the azerbaijan people either an individual or a social group or an. The constitution bears a great resemblance to the 1918 constitution of the russian sfsr.

Legal status of the constitution of the republic of azerbaijan. Constitution of azerbaijan the azerbaijan people s unity shall set up the foundation of the azerbaijan state. The constitution of the azerbaijan ssr ceased to exist in 1995 upon the adoption of the new constitution of azerbaijan.

Law courts of the azerbaijan republic exercise judicial power. The azerbaijan republic shall be wholly and indivisibly homeland for all the citizens of the azerbaijan republic. The constitution of the republic of azerbaijan.

The constitution of the republic of azerbaijan shall act immediately. This constitution was the first constitution of independent azerbaijan the azerbaijan democratic republic founded in 1918 and existed 23 months until 1920 was not able to adopt its constitution. Article 8 the head of the azerbaijanian state.

Azerbaijan ssrazerbaijani ssrazerbaijan the first constitution of azerbaijan ssr was adopted in 1921 and was in accordance with the constitution of ussr. Executive power belongs to the president of the azerbaijan republic. The constitution of the republic of azerbaijan shall be the foundation of the legislative system in the republic of azerbaijan.