Have Got Has Got Grammar

He has got a cat.

Have got has got grammar. In british english have got is used quite often in other areas it is common to use the main verb have. He s got a sister. He has got a sister.

We use has got in the 3rd person singular he she it and we use have got with all other persons. C the workers have got enough shovels. It is not the present perfect form of get.

Https goo gl n4faow ان شاء الله النهاردا هندردش شويه في حاجه خفيفه كدا. In these contexts it is not used in the continuous form. I hope that helps.

The man has got a problem. They don t have a car. They have got a swimming pool.

More formal they haven t got a car. In british english we use have got more in speaking and have more in writing it s a little more formal. 01 have got or has got 02 have got or has got 03 have not got has not got 04 have not got has not got 05 have got or has got 06 have got has got 07 have got 08 has not got 09 ve got or s got 10 ve got or s got 11 haven t got or hasn t got 12 haven t got or hasn t got 13 sentences with have got 14 short form.

Have got has got examples. We ve got a cat. I have got a brother.

Have got or has got. I ve got a terrible pain in my back. You have got blue eyes.

I have got he has got they have got we have got short form. We use have got to talk about possession relationships characteristics and illnesses. I have got a brother.

More formal we use have got to talk about possession relationships characteristics and illnesses. A collection of english esl have got or has got powerpoints for home learning online practice distance learning and english classes to teach about. I have got a brand new computer.

She s got two cats and a dog. My friends have got a new teacher. They have got a swimming pool they ve got a swimming pool.

I have a terrible pain in my back. I ve got he s got they ve got paul s got we ve got a. You can also just use have they mean the same thing.

Have got is more used in british english and have is more american. اختبر نفسك وحل الـ quiz من هنا. Affirmative sentences with have got and has got.

Paul has got a golden watch. You ve got blue eyes. We have got a cat.

I ve got a brother. In north american english have gotten is the present perfect of get e sometimes the have is left out of have got in spoken english it is not acceptable to leave out have in written english. We use have got here to refer to both verbs.